Dimensions 2022-23

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Performing art and literary activities play a key role in overall development of children just as sports. Dimensions – the Talent Hunt Competition held on 12th and 13th August provided a stage for them to exhibit their talents and build self-confidence.

These were the activities children competed in-Group Dance, Solo Dance, Group Song, Solo Song, Instrumental, Tattoo Making, Mehendi, Origami, Flower Arrangement, Just A Minute, Key Chain Making, Jewelry, Board Decoration, Quiz, Declamation.

Teachers, non-teaching staff and the children constituted the audience who enjoyed each performance and took back two memorable days to be added in the chest of memory.

We all must be aware of the very famous quote, “All work and no play make Jack a very dull boy”, following this quote we strongly believe that for overall development of a student he or she should not only Excel in studies but also should be involved in many other activities.

So every year “Dimension” is conducted by our school. It is a group of various interesting competitions which help students for their overall personality development.

Mahatma International School organized ‘Dimension’, a Talent Hunt Show Competition on 12th and 13th August, 2022 in different venues. The aim was to encourage students participation in different competitions so as to help them shed stage fear and gain confidence. And a list of competitions is as follows solo singing, solo dancing, fancy dress, cooking without flame, clay moulding, stone painting, tatoo making, rangoli making, jewellery making etc.

The programme was graced by the Principal, Mr. Jomon Mathew. In his speech, emphasized that for the all-round development of a child, along with academics, fine and performing arts also play a crucial role.

The programme started with lightening the lamp and Saraswati Vandana.