Ministry of Education, Govt. of India has intimated the launch of 100 Days Reading Campaign by the Hon’ble Shiksha Mantri on 1st January, 2022 for children studying in Balvatika to class VIII. The main agenda of this campaign is to inculcate good reading habits from a students formative age. A weekly class-wise calendar of activities has to be done by children with the help of parents, peers, siblings or other family members is annexed as guidelines for schools. Our students and teachers both took up the challenge to complete the activity and enjoy the entire process of reading by integrating art in it.
All the subject are assigned a special week where they would conduct activity as guided by CBSE.
An e-library and collections of stories in English are provided for children that can be downloaded and added to their collection. This gives them the feel of pride of knowing about and owning good books.