Future Architects of Incredible India
II Std EVS Project Types of Houses
An EVS project based on the topic “Types of Houses” was given to Std. II, on 10th July, 2015 to enhance practical based learning of the students. The method ‘learning by doing’ was highlighted.
It was designed by the II Std EVS teachers with the support of the Principal Mrs. Beena Thambi. The interest level of the child was well maintained. Each student exhibited their creativity in building a type of house by using eco-friendly waste materials such as cotton, wood, saw dust, hay, coconut shell, rope grass, card paper, waste boxes, hard sheets, coloured newspaper etc.
The model was a replica of their future aspirations of a house that they dream about and a proposal of further renovation and amendments to be made in the present standard of living. Each child was given an opportunity to express themselves and speak a few lines about the model they had made.
The purpose of providing, interactive, instructive and joyful learning experience to the students was well achieved through this activity.