Date: 5th April, 2024 Pillai college students organized an insightful animal welfare program at Mahatma International School (CBSE) on 5th April 2024. The event was graced by distinguished guests, Ms. Celina Joy and Mr. Krushna, who brought their expertise and passion for animal welfare to the fore. The program primarily featured engaging activities conducted by...Read More
Hand writing is a part of our identity and an essential tool for communication. The process of handwriting promotes clear thought and natural structure. Beautiful and neat hand writing is a skill. Marathi hand writing competition was held in Mahatma International School [C.B.S.E.] among the students, from class I to class V on 10th February,...Read More
Annual sports meet teaches discipline, respect, friendship, leadership, resilience, teamwork and overcoming adversity. It is a part of a student’s growth and development. A good school aims to improve a student’s physical abilities and helps them learn a sense of good sportsmanship. Our ‘Mahatma International School [C.B.S.E]’ have also organized Annual Sports on 4th Jan...Read More
Christmas is the festival which inspires the spirit of sharing and caring. Christmas celebration was held on 23rd December 2023, in the Mahatma International School [C.B.S.E]. The school was beautifully decorated and everybody was dressed in festive dresses. The program started with an information about Christmas and why is it celebrated; Melodious carols sung by...Read More
Date: 6th December, 2023 An Education Fair was organised by Dr. Pillai’s Global Academy. Students of class X attended the fair with lots of enthusiasm. They were introduced to the new upcoming courses and those in trend. They were guided on whom to approach and how to prepare to be eligible for these courses.Read More
Date: 20th October, 2023 Makerthon derives from the words ‘Make’ and ‘Marathon’ which is a ‘Design Sprint’ like event. The young minds come together to present their scientific knowledge and compete with the likeminded. Makerthon 2023 was organised by Mahatma Education Society’s Pillai College of Engineering. Two teams represented Mahatma International School (CBSE) under the...Read More