Recitation is about conveying a poems sense with its language. A strong performance will rely on a powerful internalization of the poem rather than excessive gestures. Recitation allows the audience to hear the authors words experience the poem. Poetry recitation competition was held on 23rd July, 2022 for the students of standard I to V....Read More
Handwriting is an essential skill for children which enables them to develop fine skills and confidence. It activates the brain and contributes to reading fluency. English Handwriting Competition was held on 21st July, 2022 for the primary section. All the students participated in it with a lot of excitement and passion.Read More
The poster making competition was held on 2nd July, 2022 for all the students from class VI to X. Children of classes VI, VII and VIII made beautiful posters on the topics: Pollution and ways of tackling it. Importance of yoga and exercise. Children of classes IX and X made impressive posters on the topic...Read More
Story telling helps a child to get to know sounds, words and language and develop early literacy skills amongst children. Stories spark a child’s imagination and stimulate curiosity to develop a child’s brain. A story telling competition was held on 25th June, 2022 for classes 1 to 4. Students participated with enthusiasm.Read More
Yoga is a physical mental and spiritual practice which originated in India. The International Yoga Day is celebrated on 21st June in our school. So that the children will understand the importance of yoga in daily life. Tejas sir and Hemant sir guided the students about how to perform basic asanas and various breathing exercises.Read More
We at Mahatma International School, inculcate respect for elders as a basic value in our students. Abuse of senior citizens is a commonly seen crime in our country. In order to make our children aware of the crime, to instill compassion and to grow a generation of responsible citizens, we conducted activities during the morning...Read More
World Environment Day is observed on 5th June every year. It is a day to spread awareness about protecting the environment. We celebrated our Environment Day on the 18th June, 2022. We conducted a colouring competition for students of classes 1 and 2 and cut and paste competition for the students of Classes 3, 5....Read More
It is an important occasion where a school entrusts its upcoming leaders with certain roles and responsibilities. Delegation of responsibility and giving authority to children is important as it teaches them lifelong skills of being powerful and caring at the same time. It was a proud moment for all as MIS held its much awaited...Read More
Date: 14th June, 2022 (Wednesday) World blood Donor Day is celebrated every year on 14th June in countries around the world. This day is celebrated to raise awareness of the need of safe blood and blood products and to thank voluntary, unpaid blood donors for their life saving gift of blood. In order to make...Read More
The Investiture Ceremony 2022-23 successfully inducted the newly selected members of the School’s prefectural board on 11th June, 2022. The ceremony started by lighting the lamp which signifies the removal of darkness and enlightens path of wisdom and divinity. The School Principal, Mr. Jomon Mathew and the senior most teacher, Mr. Girish Singh were the...Read More